Skyeskyns marked its 25th anniversary on 22nd. September and welcomed Ross, Skye and Lochaber MP Charles Kennedy and other special guests to a celebratory event.
Clive Hartwell and Charles Kennedy - who co-incidentally has been the local MP for 25 years - buried a time capsule filled with items dating from 25 years ago in the curly cairn at the Skyeskyns entrance. Clan Chief Hugh MacLeod whose father had opened the original Skyeskyns tannery was unable to attend at the last minute. Among the other guests were representatives from Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Highland Opportunity, Highland Council, VisitScotland, The Royal Bank of Scotland and members of the local business community.
“I am delighted to have been asked to open the new facilities which Skyeskyns has invested in for the future, and to record the success which the business has already achieved in its first quarter century," said Mr Kennedy. “It is inspiring to see the confidence of a family-run business which has put itself right at the heart of its local community, even in the face of global economic downturn.
“Skyeskyns has found that – with the right marketing – remoteness itself can be turned into an asset, along with a first class product combining the best of local produce, traditional craft and innovative design. The business is part of a strong network of attractions which brings visitors from right across the world to Waternish throughout the year.
“A distinctive, top quality product and its strong association with all that Skye has to offer are enabling Skyeskyns to buck the current economic trend. The new building - with enhanced facilities for visitors and room for the business to grow - is a strong foundation for even greater success in the future.”